Roach Control

Roach Control Services

Facing a roach infestation? Put an end to it with Liberty Pest Management's specialized Roach Control Services. We employ safe, modern, and effective treatments to eliminate roaches and prevent them from returning.

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Our Process

1. Identify the Roaches

The first step is identifying the species of roaches infesting your property. This critical step influences the subsequent monitoring and treatment options.

2. Monitor Roach Activity

Our technicians monitor roach activity, tracking their movements to determine their sources and nesting locations.

3. Determine Action Threshold

The action threshold is when the roach population reaches a level where pest control measures must be implemented to prevent significant damage or health risks.

4. Explore Treatment Options

Depending on the type and severity of the roach infestation, we explore the most effective and safe treatment options.

5. Make Treatments

Our trained technicians apply the chosen treatment to the infested areas, ensuring minimal disruption to your home or business and minimal risk to non-target species.

6. Evaluate Results

We revisit the property to confirm the elimination of the roaches and assess any signs of recurring infestation.

Roach Control Services


Our comprehensive roach control service not only eliminates existing roaches but also prevents future infestations. We use modern, safe, and effective treatments that target roaches where they hide and breed, ensuring a clean, roach-free environment.



Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What Types Of Roaches Do You Handle?

    We have experience dealing with all types of roaches, including American, German, and Oriental roaches.

  • Are The Treatments Safe For My Family And Pets?

    Yes, our treatments are safe for both humans and pets. We use environmentally-friendly methods that are effective against roaches without posing a risk to your family or pets.

  • What Steps Can I Take To Prevent A Roach Infestation In The Future?

    There are several steps you can take to prevent a future roach infestation. These include regular cleaning, proper food storage, and sealing potential entry points. Our team will provide more personalized advice as part of our service.

Are you ready to say goodbye to roaches?

Contact us today for a free quote. Call us at (813) 961-2627 or fill out our online form.

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